Saturday, November 2, 2019

Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Competence Research Paper

Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Competence - Research Paper Example Saarni states that an emotionally competent person is able to perform according to his moral values in â€Å"emotion-eliciting† situations that demand his â€Å"self-efficacy† (1999, p.2). Such a person is aware of his emotional state and of others and is able to work accordingly. Comparison and Contrast EI improves our ability to learn EC. The two concepts cannot be separates. Scholars define EC as a learned ability of an individual resulting from EI which enables him to show outstanding performance in every field of life and, more specifically, job. For example, to show skill in conflict resolution with customers, it is important that the individual knows EI basics like relationship management. However, if he has mastered in EI basics like relationship management, that that does not guarantee that he has also mastered in conflict resolution. He has only gained potential to learn EC by learning EI. To make a contrast, EI involves tackling emotional situations in all wa lks of life while EIs are specially job skills based on EI. References Matthews, G., Zeidner, M., & Roberts, R.D. (2004). Emotional Intelligence: Science and Myth. USA: MIT Press. Saarni, C. (1999). The Development of Emotional Competence. USA: Guilford Press.

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